I interviewed Ms.A and Ms.B for about 20 minutes per person to learn about their digital life.I found a lot of similarities of their priority and digital usage. First of all, both of them cannot live without family, friends and smart phone. I also agree that those are the most common needs of modern life. Secondly, they share 3 same digital usages among 4 they chose. Social network is extremely important, since they wake up with checking on it and go to bed after checking on it. Thirdly,I found that during their weekdays, they both like to watch news during noon while watch sales and entertainment programs during night.I guess they would love to have fun and enjoy their leisure time at the end of weekday as a reward to themselves. The different focus comes from their occupations. Ms.A is a student, single. Ms.B is a housewife with kids. It is easy to understand why they have different focus on digital content.
The interview process was fun and easy for both participants and researcher. It is potentially valuable, since the three charts demonstrate their priority and timeline of digital usages. The way to make it better is really depends on how we define the question we would like to ask.
Please see the picture as below:
Ms.A Student Single
Ms.B Housewife with kids
Hi Qing - Thank you for engaging in the assignment and getting these two participants to help you out. The analysis and reflection are a bit lighter than many of your peers, but what you have is a good start.